The cats know the difference

Every year we face an uphill battle with our Christmas Tree. Baby especially blends in with the presents since she is a calico. When someone new comes to visit during the holidays they are don t notice the cats in the presents or on the tree until one of them makes a sudden move or noise. Our cat adventures have become part of the Christmas season and make for a little extra excitement on some days. And once in awhile Blackie will poke her head out to see who s there, now that can really catch unknowing visitors by surprise. We have an artificial Christmas Tree but sometimes we get a live one just for a change. But Fluffy has figured out the doorknob and now it s open season no matter how well you shut the door. . But Fluffy knows how to get a door open one way or another. Our black cat, Blackie, prefers to climb up into the center of the tree for her naps.
I m sure you ve seen the type I mean, I douse them with pepper spray now and that keeps Fluffy from munching on them. So when they see a tree inside, they can resist checking it out. And then there s the youngest cat, named Fluffy that wants to run and jump as close to the top of the tree that she can. One year we put the Christmas Tree in the den and tried to keep the door shut so the cats wouldn t be able to get in without someone being there to keep them at bay. Our cats love Christmas, they get to have a bunch of new toys and trouble to get into for several weeks. We have one cat, a calico named Baby, who burrows into the pile and finds a great place to take a nap. Some years our Christmas Tree goes down every other day. I have made some progress with the bubble lights.
 The cats know the difference and although any tree will do, they seem to prefer the live ones, probably due to the smell. These are outdoor cats and run around our trees outside like they are squirrels. And then there s the presents under the Christmas Tree. We ve tried everything to keep the cats off the tree but nothing seems to work. Since we are typical cat owners, we ve come to live with the chaos and just roll with it. And unless she moves, some think she s either a stuffed animal or decoration. It s not unusual to walk into the living room where the Christmas Tree resides and see Baby snuggled up in the presents, Blackie somewhere nestled in the branches, and Fluffy sitting somewhere near the top trying to decide her best way back down. We have several cats that are absolutely fascinated by anything new in the house.
 If you don t make sure you shut it all the way it s a piece of cake for any of the three cats to open. Almost all of our tree decorations are sturdy by design and can take a few falls and still survive one more season. Now add some flashing lights, bubble lights that constantly provide live action, shiny colored swinging balls, hanging tinsel, and you have an irresistible new cat toy. And I do take some extra time when I setup the Christmas Tree to make it difficult to easily knock over. Fluffy thinks she is Air Jordan and making the 10 to 12 foot leap is good for extra points. Even on Christmas morning when everyone is opening presents the cats are right in the thick of it. Jumping into any open box, rolling in the wrapping paper, and playing with any ribbon to be found. And it Printed Paper package UV Varnish appears to be even more fun when Fluffy is chasing Blackie and they both hit the tree at the same time.


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